Sunday, May 1, 2011

Survived and Conquered!

Special thanks to Elizabeth Muller for the nifty badge!

The A-Z Blogger Challenge is now over! It was a great experience and love all the new friends. I will admit that I am more of a silent lurker than a commenter, but I do stop by to visit.

What this means for the blog is that there might not be daily updates, but it will be more constant. My husband has challenged me to see how many words I have posted in the last month to see if they equal anywhere near novel length. Um, yeah, that means I need to get my butt in gear and make a dent in my WIP.

Stranger than Fiction (BTW that title so needs to change, but that is down the line when I have a little bit more worked out) is currently sitting at 4k words and I have decided to work on that one for a while. Plus, I have a whole bunch of digital ARCs sitting in my NetGalley inbox waiting to be read and reviewed.

Maybe the next challenge I will take up is the Delacorte Press Contest for a First Young Adult Novel. They should be announcing last year's winner soon. Wonder if anyone made the cut; it's the type of contest where sometimes no one gets the prized contract.


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