*readers scratching heads in confusion*
I really do feel like one of the walking dead at the moment. I just finished up with a stellar storytelling program that went very smoothly except that we were cursed with an absolutely beautiful day. The kind of day where you want to go to the beach, a beach that is only about 15min away...
Yes, everyone went to the beach. :(
Well, it is over and I am very excited because I have a copy of The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest of Hands and Teeth, Book 3)
I was going to say I love zombie stories because they can remain the villain rather than the love interest, though I know some authors have done it. Frankly, that is just gross. But I remember reading a series where zombies were the secondary characters who were really just very misunderstood and had lives just as social as any vampire or werewolf. It actually worked in the book, but that was a special circumstance. I mean really, zombie romance? I prefer a romance with zombies.
Have you seen the new Ford commercials featuring zombies?
Something else zombie related that I absolutely love is the ghoulishly delightful cookbook Zombie Cupcakes: From the Grave to the Table with 16 Cupcake Corpses
Hmm, getting kind of hungry...umm, brains...cupcake brains...