Tuesday, April 26, 2011

V is for Vuvox

I love Vuvox. It is a free tool available on the internet for creating interactive collages. This is a great resources for educators, librarians, and writers. You can use it to market a program, teach a lesson, or even incorporate a digital booktalk into it. I love the idea of using it to promote books because it allows the user to explore a bit more than a digital book trailer does. The only downside to the application is that it does use Adobe Flash which means that it can't be seen on an iPad or an android device (Bad Adobe! Haven't you learned nothing from Beta? If you don't allow others to use your technology then something not quite as good will come along to take your place. i.e. VHS).

*If you are viewing this post in a blog reader, you might want to check out the actual post because there is a pretty cool Vuvox collage on Digital Booktalks at the top that doesn't seem to want to carry over. ;)

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW!!! That's amazing! Thanks for sharing that. You just opened up an entire new avenue for me to create presentations with. Awesome Sauce!
